Safe and Sound Protocol
The Safe & Sound Protocol (SSP) is an evidenced-based listening therapy developed by neuroscientist Dr. Stephen Porges.
It’s designed to reduce sound sensitivities and stress, and improve social engagement and resilience. The SSP treatment involves 5 hours of listening to filtered music that is divided into increments of listening appropriate for individual nervous system responses. (We adjust the listening session length based on your unique responses.) The listening is done alongside a provider in-person or remotely, with over the ear headphones. There are a variety of playlists to choose from, so that it feels enjoyable to listen to.
How Does SSP Work?
Your nervous system is always looking for cues of safety from others and the environment. And yet, many of us based on past experiences, have a harder time interpreting these cues and may find it difficult to fully connect with self and others, and relax.
The SSP, through acoustic vagal nerve stimulation, sends cues of safety to your nervous system, building a capacity for safety in connection. Overall, this can support moving out of defensive survival strategies of fight, flight, freeze, and fawn, towards a physiological state of feeling safer, more relaxed, open to connection, and better able to manage stress.
Ways SSP can help:
Strengthen relationships and find more ease in social connection
Reduce stress
Better emotional control and build resilience
Improvement in auditory and other sensory sensitivities
Improve focusing, feel less distracted
Enhance the benefits and progress of other therapeutic work
The Safe and Sound Protocol is a powerful listening therapy that can help improve responses to stress, increase emotional resilience, and support more satisfying connection.
A regulated nervous system is crucial for our overall health and wellbeing. SSP provides a way to directly support a pathway towards a physiological state of feeling more engaged and relaxed.
This is for you if you:
Experience social and emotional difficulties
Experience auditory sensitivities
Experience anxiety and trauma related challenges and want extra support
Experience inattention and lack of focus on tasks
Experience stressors that impact social engagement
Have internal agitation, irritability and reactivity
You are on the Autism Spectrum
Have a physical condition exacerbated by stress
Equipment Needed for Administration of SSP
Bluetooth headphones (or a similar version - not noise-cancelling)
Phone with access to apps
If doing remote sessions, a desktop or laptop computer for our sessions
I administer the SSP as a Package treatment option as well as provide current clients with the option to integrate the listening sessions into our current sessions, and gain access to the subscription, for a monthly fee.
1. SSP Delivery:
SSP Delivery with individualized support. (This can be provided with in-person or virtual sessions). Additional support can include somatic experiencing, EMDR, and/or therapeutic yoga sessions.
Typically includes:
A 90 Minute Intake session: Includes initial treatment information and gathering related information so that we can create an individualized listening plan based on your needs. We will explore stress responses, education about polyvagal theory, and better understand your current challenges to help with successful treatment.
At least 2 sessions together that include SSP delivery with somatic experiencing, gentle movement, and relaxation practices to deepen your experience and process the listening experience together..
Support and check-ins throughout to monitor progress and address individual needs as they arise.
A follow up session after completion of SSP program to help with integration of positive changes and success.
It may be recommended at the time of intake, that all listening sessions be administered together, in this case the fee will be my hourly rate of $170 for each listening session. Typical completion of the program if done together, is 10 - 15 sessions though varies based on individual needs.
*Payment plans available
2. Monthly Subscription to the SSP for current clients
Includes monitoring treatment progress and support.
The SSP consists of 5 hours of listening, divided over approximately 10-12 listening sessions (sometimes fewer based on individual differences). This can vary widely and is often provided at a slower pace based on individual differences and needs. One of the common phrases of SSP is to pay attention to the ‘whisper of the nervous system’, meaning treatment success really requires us to be patient and move at the right pace to prevent overwhelm which would counter the many benefits of SSP. Often less is more.
As a current client, you have the option to purchase a monthly subscription to the SSP. We will incorporate the listening into our current sessions, and the monthly fee covers subscription access and additional monitoring progress/needs throughout the program with additional support sessions as needed.
*Depending on individual needs and current session frequency, at the time of beginning SSP administration, we will discuss the potential for any additional support sessions that may be needed, which could possibly increase the monthly cost.